Thursday, January 3, 2008

For the last 4 years, I have been developing a strong interest in wine, and it all started with two beautiful Germany Rieslings in Anguilla, BWI. I simply loved everything about them, the colors, the aromas, the flavors, even the feel of those wines. Since then, I have read about wine, talked about wine, tasted a lot of wine, and even study wine. I am currently training at the International Wine Guild in Denver and am a Certified Cellar Master. Through all this, I have come to realize, although a wine can be very special and an amazing experience in itself, it is the terroir of enjoying a wine that is the most memorable. Terroir is a french word that doesn't have a literal English translation but basically means the combination of influences (eg. water, wind, soil, sun) the grapes experienced during their development. I remember particular flavors, particular aromas, and of course, particular labels of specific wines, but the memories most treasured include where I was, who was I with, and what, most importantly, was I eating. The terroir of that wine experience.

Through my interest in wine I have developed a deep interest in food. Wine is meant to be enjoyed with food, and although many wines can be enjoyed casually, a wine is at its best paired with food. Some of my favorite memories are not of the wines themselves, but of the wines and the meals they were perfectly paired with. I find few things as enjoyable as a multi-course chef's tasting menu with a wine pairing where the wine and food were constructed around each other. It can be an amazing mild altering experience and the memories can last forever.

Through this blog I hope to capture these dining experiences, along with other great wine moments, as they happen. I will share some past experiences, favorite bottles, what I like to drink and why, my thoughts on food and wine pairings, great restaurants, and other random thoughts, but my intention to focus on food with wine and wine with food. Enjoy.