Wednesday, July 23, 2008


On April 18, Erin and I went to Chicago to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. We had dinner at Alinea, and I must say up front, this was the most amazing dining experience I have ever had.

Alinea, is ranked in the top 25 restaurants in the world, and is quickly moving up the list. Chef Grant Achatz brought Spain's experimental molecular cooking style to the states, and although many feel this modern gastronomy style (think Wylie Dufresne of WD-50) is too technical and hard to enjoy, I personally thought the food was absolutely delicious and inviting. It's this creative, engaging style that makes it a truly unique and memorable experience.

When we made reservations, there were really only two choices presented to us, the 12 course or 24 course tasting menus. Our choice determined our seating time. We opted for the 12 with wine pairing, about 10 different wines. Interestingly, they don't serve any liquor, only beer and wine, stating they don't want the plate numbing effects of liquor to impede our ability to enjoy the food. I really appreciated that considering the largest margins in the business come from alcohol sales. Granted, that make up for it with the cost of meal.

The restaurant was simple and well laid out. Beautiful fresh flowers were well placed in our small dining room that we shared with only 4 other tables. There was this very distinctive aroma that filled, but didn't overwhelm, the dining room. It was hard to tell if it was the food, the flowers, or a specially designed fragrance but it was unique to the restaurant and if I smelled it again, it would take me right back to our table. I feel it really added to multi-sensory experience that was our evening.

I wish I had the words to describe the dinner. It was absolutely amazing. I unfortunately can't recap each of the courses and the wines, largely because I don't have the best memory but also because it has taken me 3 months to write this entry. There were a few highlights that still are fresh in my mind. The 12 courses began and ended with smoke. This was part of the full, multi-sensory experience of each dish. Each course was so much more than taste, although that was a major highlight. The textures, the smells, the presentations stimulated not only sight and taste, but touch and smell also. I'm actually surprised they didn't make noise! The presentations were so unique, that custom flatware was designed for several of the dishes. The choreography involved with presenting 12 courses was impressive as well. It was not as simple as presenting a dish, clearing it, and bring out the next one. Some later courses came out early in the meal and developed before our eyes as we were eating the early courses! It was a show in itself.

All in all, the food was amazing and 8 of the 10 wines really shined. I personally though two were misses in regards to pairings. My favorite courses included the steelhead roe, fava beans, wagu beef, persimmon, and the sweet potato. In regards to the wine, the champagne cocktail, the vouvray, the pommard, and the TBA really stood out. Check out the menu below.

After arriving at Alinea around 6:30 and leaving about 10, Erin and I can both say we had an experience of a lifetime and an amazing anniversary celebration. The fun will be trying to top it next year!

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