Friday, July 25, 2008

Summit at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs

Wednesday night I had dinner at Summit, a great restaurant at the Broadmoor, a gorgeous resort in Colorado Springs. Upon arrival, I grabbed a seat at the bar and ordered a great Albarino, which has quickly become on of my favorite summer wines. The grape is very refreshing, with hints of lemon and lime, slight minerality, and balanced acidity giving it a nice crispness. As a prominent Spanish white from the Rias Baixas, this wine is always very affordable and despite pairing well with seafood, it is very enjoyable alone.

The restaurant was pretty cool, behind the bar a spinning tower of wine was flanked but glass display cases. The wine list was solid, lots of the standards but some nice finds too. The Albarino was one of them. For dinner I ordered a trio of appetizers in that included an amazing soft shell crab, sauteed in lemon juice and olive oil. It was accompanied by a really nice cauliflower puree that added some creaminess to the crispy crab and slight bite of the lemon juice. All in all, this was a very nice dish that went well with the Albarino.

The next course was a great escargot preparation. Garlic, ham, green and red peppers, and flat beans floated in the olive oil and really added to this dish. Chef Rolland Wesen, who happens to be Jacques Pépin's son-in-law, modifies this classic French dish with ham, peppers, and beans and I think really enhances the conventional preparation. I would say this was the best dish of the night.

The final dish was a clever Mac and Cheese, with lobster and goat cheese, all good things individually, the become even better together. Overall, this was a great meal at a nice location, check it out if you are in Colorado Springs.

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